Tuesday, May 29, 2007

good news and bad news

good news: the forecast for this week is rain. it's going to be lovely.

bad news: unfortunately, in an effot to enjoy yesterday, memorial day, which is supposed to have been the last dry and sunny day for a little while, i went for a bike ride. i won't go into the gritty details. suffice it to say that i fell and broke my right arm and thumb. the sad part is i'm right handed. so it's going to be a little difficult posting wrting for a while, and will probably be a little slower for the time being. i'm giving myself a headache just trying to type with only my left hand.

i was considering putting some pictures up of all the little cuts and bruises that come from hitting the asphalt at about twenty miles per hour instead, but that's gross.


marshall said...

shoulda been left handed.

Julie said...

Yikes! I'm sorry you're injured, but I'll bet the cast looks awesome! :-)

You would LOVE Spain. You would love it for wily reasons all your own, but also for the green earth and the literary feel to every part of the towns. It's just begging to be written about, and I don't think Hemingway did a good enough job. So you're up!